SJ4000 Wifi Firmware Update April 2015

For those who already have SJ4000, already widely circulated new firmware from the factory. So many and because the manufacturer does not provide the official website, there are several versions of the firmware that comes with the advantages and disadvantages of each. For those who want to try, please read more. Remember, the firmware update lets you SJ4000 total dead.

Notice Type Hardware

The information we received, the plant uses two types / brands of different internal hardware (for PCB and LCD components) in their production, so we have to consider where appropriate firmware.

Camera production until May 2014: PCB-LCD-1
Camera production began in May 2014: PCB-LCD-2
Production using the latest camera brand SJCAM SJ4000
In hardware, to no.2 and 3 there is no difference, only to brand SJCAM SJ4000 have firmware with a better view.

The latest firmware, there are many advantages  firmware build version To Download this firmware click link below,


  1. Thanks for upload, my sjcam now run latest firmware

  2. work with all SJCAM...thanks dude sjcam is first batch

  3. Thankssss... big changes on wifi connection no lag with remote android
